📄️ Roadmap
Roadmap 2023
🗃️ RFCs
28 items
📄️ Building Databend
Getting and building Databend from Source
📄️ First Pull Request
You first good Databend pull request
📄️ Databend Routine Maintenance
What is Databend routine maintenance?
📄️ Benchmarking
Continuous Benchmarking
📄️ How to Benchmark With Hyperfine
Hyperfine is a cross-platform command-line benchmarking tool, that supports warm-up and parameterized benchmarks.
📄️ How to Profile Databend
CPU profiling
📄️ How to Write a Scalar Function
What's Scalar Function
📄️ How to Write an Aggregate Function
An aggregate function, or aggregation function, is a function that combines values from multiple rows to form a single summary value. Common aggregate functions include sum, count, avg, and others.
📄️ How to Create a System Table
System tables are tables that provide information about Databend's internal state, such as databases, tables, functions, and settings. If you're familiar with the Databend code structure and have basic knowledge about Rust, you can also create your own system tables as needed.